Monday, July 30, 2012

and we have connection!

Internet is up, finally! I would have been able to get this up sooner if we hadn't had so many problems with the internet. We went in a few weeks ago and got it set up through T-mobile no problems there. A weeks or so later we get a box in the mail...with our modem and cords etc. all in it. Okay, no problem, I can set up the internet...only everything that tells you how to set the system in German. Anyway, we got it all set up and the internet is going in and out every couple minutes which makes it super hard to get anything done.

I thought maybe it needed a little time to adjust or something but after two weeks of no progress...needless to say I was frustrated. Finally knocked on my neighbors door and asked to borrow her and her phone. She offered to help when we first got it set up in case we needed to call in because its hard to find someone who speaks English when you call in. So anyway long story short she calls and gets them to set up a time to come out today. There was something wrong with the way it was wired into the house so the Telekom guy fixed that but there was still a problem, but it was all on their end so he went back to the office or wherever and worked on it there and finally its working!

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